Paula Herlo is Senior Correspondent and Producer for „România, te iubesc!” („Romania, I Love You!”) News Magazine, Paula Herlo, delivers every Sunday outstanding journalistic investigations on critical issues of Romanian society.Paula Herlo has been working with Pro TV News since 1998, and has constantly built a highly regarded professional profile. Her devotion in reporting and designing the News Campaign, "Any Idea What Your Kid Is Doing Right Now?" would bring Pro TV News the much-coveted International Emmy Award for Outstanding News, in New York.She kept coordinating social campaigns for News such as "There’s Life In Our Blood" and "I Want Parents, Too" which led to establishing the National Unrelated Donors’ Registry and modifying the Adoption Act, respectively; "Be Healthy, Romania!", which described the National Health System’s own diseases, and the 2014 "Any Idea What Your Parents Are Doing Right Now?" which pictured – for the first time – the life of the lonely elderly.Paula Herlo is also a busy volunteer with „Dăruiește Viață” Association. Backed by campaigns on Pro TV News, the Association raised 3 million Euros, later invested in Romanian hospitals for the benefit of cancer patients.Part of the money funded the first Molecular Cytogenetics Laboratory in Romania, that precisely diagnoses forms of cancer. Other sums endowed the ICU of Pediatric Oncology Hospital in Timișoara, where a stem cell bank was also equipped.With another two million Euros raised, the Association tripled the marrow bone transplant capabilities in three hospitals: the Fundeni and University ER in Bucharest and Louis Țurcanu in Timișoara.Consistent amounts were also invested in up-to-date equipment for Polizu Neonatology Ward.
Having an educational training in architecture, Loredana Brumă has focused her attention in the past time on integrating arhitectural heritage in the process of urban development. Her professional profile is marked by various creative experiments meant to answer as clearly and completely as possible to the questions of “HOW?” and “WHY?” that emerge from the production of contemporary architecture, the social aspects involved and the multidisciplinarity in the sustainable growth of the rural and urban communities.
Her interest in the architectural heritage started to show 9 years ago, with the launching of the research project “Case care Plâng / Weeping Houses”. Her educational background was consolidated in ENSA Paris – Belleville, where she studied during 2 years the 20th century heritage inside of a DSA like specialization program. As an architect, she mainly confronted extended projects working for Lauster & Radu Architects office in Bucharest, or LAN Architecture, in Paris.
Her preoccupation with photography has led to some documentation projects such as Bucharest, the little Paris?, for which she received a creation residence within ICR Paris that drove her to a series of international collaborations such as the one with the Parisian Architecture Bureau Encore Heureux, in the 7th edition of SurExpositions, in Timișoara or with the team that represented Romania at the 14th edition of the Architecture Biennale in Venice.
To create a common field for this hybrid foundation, in 2014 she founded the Let’s Think Studio Lab, a workroom for creative experiments, based on multidisciplinary approach, hystorical documentation and social analysis. The same year, Forbes Romania has included her name in the Top 30 under 30, and TVR has dedicated her an episode in the show The Path to Success.
Ioana Măgureanu (MA Courtauld Institute of Art in London, PhD National University of Arts in Bucharest) is assistant professor of Renaissance and seventeenth-century history and theory of art at the National University of Arts in Bucharest. Her current research examines the connexions between art theory and science and the debate about the epistemic potential of images in the early modern era. She is also working on an anthology of translations from Seicento Italian art theory into Romanian.