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From the branches of trees and spiral galaxies to the lungs, brain and even DNA structures, the patterns of chaos are all around us.
The fractals are patterns formed in chaotic ecuations and contain self-similar models which, once magnified, grow in complexity. If they are divided, they become smaller, near identical copies of the whole.

CL3A5UD2I2E3RN is a fractal culture whose generating principle is derived from the letters which compose the author's name.

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Almost 40% of continental surface is used by people to obtain the resources they need, while 3% consists of urban areas.

These numbers are just a part of the striking information you can find out about human interaction with the environment. 

Simply gazing at the Earth from above one can notice the human presence that dates back million years ago.

It is fascinating, but also disturbing that you can easily notice how powerful our influence is on the planet and how deeply we can manipulate it for resources.

In this work, I am just an observer and, like an archaeologist, I gathered these images that I have treated as artifacts for the beauty and significance of information contained. They reflect our effort to survive and evolve, yet they also point out the damaging secondary effects that we have to supress.

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The Way We Shape Our World
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